Clinics We Offer

Antenatal Clinic
Our antenatal clinics are run by midwives at the surgery. We offer shared antenatal care between the midwife and the doctor. Sometimes patients will need to be seen in hospital as well. The doctor will arrange for referral to the hospital where necessary. Thereafter patients will normally be seen alternately between midwife and doctor or at 4-week intervals.
Breast Screening
All women will be called for screening between the ages of 47 and 70, with the first screen being before the age of 50, usually in the year they become 48. Routine Breast Screening examinations are held at Ipswich Hospital.

Cervical Screening
This will normally be carried out by the practice nurse. All patients are written to from the Cervical Screening Service with the result as soon as this is available - usually about 4 to 6 weeks but this varies from time to time. If you wish to discuss your results further, please make an appointment with your doctor.

Including Tetanus, Polio, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Influenza.
Long Term Conditions
We now have a clinic for patients to be seen by the practice nurses to review your long term condition. These conditions include Hypertension, Asthma, Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke and Kidney Disease. The aim of the clinic is to increase the awareness and understanding of your condition through education and to minimise complications by regular monitoring with the Practice Nurse.

Minor Surgery
Minor surgery is performed mainly for the removal of minor lumps and bumps. A doctor performs these procedures with the assistance of a Practice Nurse or Healthcare Assistant.

Our physiotherapist works every Tuesday, please contact reception to book an appointment.